Roles in Zoom
*Roles in Meeting
For Zoom meetings, there are different roles assigned to participants in the meeting room. Each role can be managed by the person with the host role.
The host is the Zoom user who creates/owns the meeting room and has the ability to manage and configure everything in that meeting. There can only be 1 host in a meeting.
Co-hosts can manage certain aspects of the meeting. The host must assign this role to them during the meeting; they cannot start the meeting instead of the host but can assign others as co-hosts and manage people in Waiting rooms.
Alternative hosts can also manage certain aspects of the meeting, similar to co-hosts. They can start the meeting instead of the host, and the host can assign this role during scheduling the meeting. They must be Licensed users.
Comparision of Each Role in Zoom
Start the meeting
Turn on/off one's microphone
Turn on/off one's camera
View participant list
Share one's screen
Request/Obtain Remote Control
Chat with guests
Record meetings
Create/edit poll
Start polling
Answer the poll
Allow others to add close captions
Add Close Captions
Use private call to participate in the meeting
Close meeting
Use Reactions
Rearrange the display layout
Turn on/off other's microphone
Turn on/off other's camera
Allow guests to turn on camera
Add host role or co-hosts
Change the person responding to chat
Remove guests
Hold the guest's line
Rename guests
Invite guests
Mute participants (individual/all)
Add participants to Breakout Rooms
Cloud Recording
Local Recording
Allow/not allow Local Recording
Facebook Live
Workplace Live
YouTube Live
Live in other platforms
✔* refers to the ability that may not be available depending on the settings of the host in that particular meeting
**Alternative hosts can start a meeting with a Meeting ID or a link from the Invite email. The meeting will not appear on their own Zoom page.
**Co-hosts cannot start a meeting on behalf of the host. This role cannot be added in advance and must be assigned by the host during the meeting.
**Hosts and co-hosts cannot Cloud Record and Local Record simultaneously. They must choose one option only.
Alternative hosts cannot add or edit polls themselves. Permission must be set beforehand.
Roles in Webinar
Host user of Zoom is the creator/owner of a meeting room have the ability to manage and configure every aspect of the Webinar, including managing panelists and attendees. In one Webinar, there can only be one host. The host can start and stop the Webinar, turn off the cameras and microphones of panelists, remove attendees from the Webinar, and more.
Co-hosts can manage and access some control of the Webinar, such as managing attendees or starting/stopping video recording, but the Host must assign this role. Co-hosts cannot start the Webinar instead of the host.
Panelists are participants in the Webinar who can view and open cameras, share screens, annotate, and more. They must be assigned the role by the host. Additionally, the host can allow or disallow certain features of panelists, such as turning on cameras, sharing screens, and video recording.
Attendees are view-only participants who can only watch. They can turn on their microphones when allowed by the host. The viewing of the Webinar by attendees is controlled by the host, and they can communicate with the host and panelists only through Q&A and chat.
Comparision of Each Role in Role ใน Webinar
Join the Webinar during the Practice session
Start live streaming
Turn on/off one's microphone
Turn on/off one's camera
View attendee list
Shre one's sceen
Request/Obtain Remote Control
Record meeting
Ask questions in Q&A
View questions in Q&A
Create/edit poll
Start polling
Answer the poll
Allow others to add close captions
Add close captions
Raise Hand
Use private call to participate in the meeting
Close Webinar
Turn on/off Attendees' mic
Turn off Panelist's camera
Allow Panelists to turn on camera
Change Attendees to Panelists
Change Panelists to Attendees
Change Attendees' view
Change the person responding to chat
Remove Attendees from Webinar
Turn on Attendees's mic
Add Co-host
Set Panelist to On Hold
Send Webinar Invitation
Cloud Recording
Local Recording
Facebook Live
Workplace Live
YouTube Live
Live in other platforms
*Due to the inability to add the co-host in advance, if you need to appoint a co-host, add them to the panelist role instead. Then change them to co-host or appoint the role as alternative host to be able to start or join the practice session.
✔* refers to the ability that may not be available depending on the settings of the host in that particular meeting.
Last updated