
Communicate with students through announcements using the announcement.

Getting Started with Announcement

The first step, go to the "Announcement" menu, the window as shown in the picture will appear.

Announcement Toolbar

Displaying Announcements

The latest announcement will always be at the top. If it is a scheduled announcement, it will also be at the top, but will not be visible to students until the specified date and time. The system will then automatically post the announcement.

Creating Announcement


  1. Topic Title

  2. The content: the announcement can include text and attached images, as well as images. *Note: Details must be filled in this section, otherwise you will not be able to press Save to create the announcement.

  3. Post to: select the course you want to notify about the announcement. You can select the course you want.

  4. Options

    1. Delay Posting: Setting the time for posting announcements. You can set the date and time in advance.

    2. Allow users to comment: Allow users to comment on the announcement.

    3. Allow 'liking':

      1. Only graders are allowed to 'like'

      2. Sort by 'likes'

Locking and Unlocking Announcement

Locking an announcement means closing it to comments from viewers. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Click the three-dot icon, then select 'Disallow Comments' from the menu.

Unlocking an announcement means allowing viewers to comment on it. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Click the three-dot icon, then select 'Allow Comments' from the menu.

Deleting Announcement

There are 2 possible ways to delete the announcement.

  1. Click the three-dot icon, then select 'Delete' from the menu.

  2. Select the announcement and click on the trash icon at the toolbar.

The system will notify to confirm the deletion. Press "Delete" to confirm the deletion.

Last updated