Multiple Dropdowns

Multiple Dropdowns

When selecting options from a dropdown menu, this section has a format similar to creating Multiple Choice and Fill In Multiple Blanks questions. The difference lies in the way the answer choices are created.

The Multiple Dropdowns question type allows for the addition of multiple answer options.

Q : "He loves eating pancakes, but she likes eating salad." will be transformed into "He [1] eating pancakes, but she [2] eating salad."

A : Answer number 1 is 'loves'. You can add additional options in the next box. For example, 'love' as option 2, or 'loved' as option 3.

Answer number 2 is "likes' You can add additional options in the next box. For example, "like" as option 2, or 'liked' as option 3.

Creating Multiple Dropdowns

The Display Page of Multiple Dropdowns (student's view)

How to Create Multiple Dropdowns (animated image)

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