Creating Rubrics

Criteria for evaluating or scoring students based on activities they perform, such as assignments or quizzes assigned to them.

Getting Started with Rubrics

You can access Rubrics at the left-side menu tab.

In addition to the above methods, you can create Rubrics from the Assignment page and the Quiz page.

1. Rubrics Home Page

Click "+ Add Rubrics" to add Rubrics.

2. Name Rubrics

After clicking "+ Add Rubrics", the window will show like illlustrating below.

Fill in the 'Title' section to name your Rubric. After that, edit the Criteria section by clicking on the pencil icon in the description of criterion section to enter the details of the scoring criteria.

3. Set criteria

When clicking on edit criteria, a window will appear as shown in the image. This allows you to add scoring criteria. For example, you can define the description of the criteria in the image and click on the "Update Criterion" button to save the data.

4. Specify the maximum score or full score in the Pts section

You can set the score in this section, as shown in the example set at 5 points.

5. Criteria for scoring each level

Once the maximum score has been set, you can add scoring criteria for other score levels by pressing the "+" symbol as shown in the image.

When you click the "+" symbol, a window will appear as shown in the image below, allowing you to enter information about the score and provide a description of the scoring criteria.

6. When the Rubric is created, the window shown in the image will appear.

7. Adding additional criteria

You can create additional criteria by clicking on the "+ Criteria" button and selecting "New Criteria" from the menu. After that, you can create criteria according to item 3.

Creating Rubrics (animated image)

Last updated