Formula Question

Formula Question

Creating Formula Questions allows for the randomization of variable numbers, ensuring that each student receives different questions and calculates different answers. However, the setup can be quite complex, divided into the question configuration - 1 topic and answer configuration - 3 topics.

Question Configuration in Formula Question

In setting up questions, you can specify variables for randomization by using curly brackets and the letter "x" [x].

For example: Direction "Solve y where x = [x]" Equation "5(x) + 12 = y"

Alternatively, you can directly specify variables in the question, such as 5([x]) + 12 = ?.

Answer Configuration in Formula Question

Variable Definitions or Range of Variables

The variable x that you have specified can be assigned a minimum and maximum value. Once you have set these values, click on "Recompute" to generate a random number for the variable to be used in step 2 of the formula definition process.

Formula Definition

Enter your formula in this section so that the system understands which criteria you want to use for calculation.

  • + is for addition

  • - is for subtraction

  • * is for multiplication

  • / is for division

For example: The number randomly generated from question 1 is the number 9. When substituting 9 for X, the answer obtained is equal to 57 as shown in the image.

Generate Possible Solutions

In this section, you will specify the number of possible solutions. You can randomly assign variables and their corresponding answers, with a maximum limit of 200 answers. Once you have entered the number, click on "Generate" to allow the system to create the answers according to the details provided below.

From the equation 5([x]) + 12 = y, if x = 7, then 5(7) + 12 = ? The answer will be equal to 47.

The Display Page of Formula Question (student's view)

How to Create a Formula Question (animated image)

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